👉這次非常榮幸邀請到 泰國 曼谷插畫博覽會帶領2位不同風格的創作者一起參與台北插畫藝術節,也期望未來能有更深度的合作,為台灣和全球的插畫藝術產業盡一份心力 !
[ 邀請藝術家]006. Bangkok Illustration Fair

Bangkok Illustration Fair (BKKIF) is a large annual event that gathers artists of various generations and art styles from all around the world to showcase their works, share experiences, and find opportunities to expand on what they love and are passionate about.
BKKIF 2022 was founded for art and illustration lovers, including the general public, business entities, media, and artists themselves, to participate in, learn something new, and receive positive energy.
Bangkok Illustration Fair was organized under the collaboration of happening, decembell, and What If and strong support from creative fellows and organizations that value and are enthusiastic to promote Illustration for further recognition.
Follow news and updates at BangkokIllustrationFair.com or Bangkok Illustration Fair Facebook page.

✸ 2022台北插畫藝術節 : 時尚動物園 Fashion Zoo 12.16-12.18 ✸
▍大眾展期|2022 年12月16 日(Fri.) – 18日(Sun.)
▍展覽地點|松山文創園區 SCCP Taipei-北向製菸工廠
——-盲鳥早鳥票完售 ——-
▍售票網址|預售票熱買中 🔥
📍 Accupass | https://www.accupass.com/go/5th-TIF
📍 Klook | https://reurl.cc/deVa9M
📍 Ibon | https://reurl.cc/ymnA0M
✸ 特別聯名企劃✸
▍\【2022酒標徵件】 Best Tart For Life / 台北插畫藝術節X酉鬼啤酒
徵件報名簡章 | https://reurl.cc/XVQ890
報名表單網址 | https://forms.gle/o2Uhvd7FnrfKUZmA7
✸主視覺徵件✸ 2023第六屆台北插畫藝術節
徵件報名表單| https://forms.gle/ReFpWVSC7c9EdScW6
時尚動物似顏繪創作展 \ 中友百貨X台北插畫藝術節X桑拿大可 /
時間:即日起~ 12/5 (一)
地點 :中友百貨A棟10樓創意平台
#台北插畫藝術節 #時尚動物園 #展出藝術家 #台北展覽 #松山文創園區 #插畫不只是插畫 #taipeiillustrationfair #illustration #illustrator #FashionZoo #2022TIF #TIF5th #TIF2022