\ 【展出藝術家】✸2022台北插畫藝術節:時尚動物園 Fashion Zoo 12.16-12.18✸/
📍035.MAY SUM/IG:@/maysum234

Maysum, a renowned multi-media artist the first lipstick sculptor in Asia. Since 2012, her lipstick sculptors first exhibited, her artpieces are still in the tour to exhibit in Asia. In 2014, Maysum also being awarded by 《HudsonMOD Mag》as ‘TOP 100 Most Attention People & Things’. In 2017, her multi-media artpieces and lipstick sculptors were exhibited not only in Asia but also in Europe. In the same year, She was nominated as one of the artists the Fifth Asian Young Artists Nomination Exhibition.

📍 參展者資訊
▻FACEBOOK :https://www.facebook.com/maysumofficial
▻WEB :http://www.wahahafactory.com/
▻INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/maysum234/
✸ 2022台北插畫藝術節 : 時尚動物園 Fashion Zoo 12.16-12.18 ✸
▍大眾展期|2022 年12月16 日(Fri.) – 18日(Sun.)
▍展覽地點|松山文創園區 SCCP Taipei -北向製菸工廠
✸ 特別聯名企劃✸
▍\【2022酒標徵件】 Best Tart For Life / 台北插畫藝術節X酉鬼啤酒
徵件報名簡章 | https://reurl.cc/XVQ890
報名表單網址 | https://forms.gle/o2Uhvd7FnrfKUZmA7
▍\ 台北插畫藝術節x ARTOGO【5TH台北插畫藝術節線上展廳x專頁】計畫 /
線上展覽-徵件簡章 | https://reurl.cc/zNOdEp
線上展覽-報名表單 | https://forms.gle/n9j7fiwUsFV8FJBS7
▍\【 可愛動物園 】中友百貨×自由人藝術公寓×weiweistudio創作展 /
時間 : 2022/9/15 (四)~10/24 (一)
地點 : 中友百貨A棟10樓:創意平台
台北插畫藝術節 #時尚動物園 #展出藝術家 #台北展覽 #松山文創園區 #插畫不只是插畫 #taipeiillustrationfair #illustration #illustrator #FashionZoo #2022TIF #TIF5th #TIF2022