▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 徵件插畫創作者:陳芝蓉Zhii-Rong Chen

  陳芝蓉Zhii-Rong Chen 目前為自由插畫工作者及視覺設計師。在創作上並無特定風格,作品 […]


陳芝蓉Zhii-Rong Chen

目前為自由插畫工作者及視覺設計師。在創作上並無特定風格,作品從充滿質感的手繪風格到鮮豔、強烈的幾何感皆有,大多隨著主題決定畫面的構成。 她的靈感大多來自於日常生活像是書籍中的一句話、一首曲或者電影的氛圍,都是她的題材。


Zhii-Rong has been working as freelance illustrator and visual designer based on Taichung and Taipei. She earned M.S degree at visual communication of design in National Taiwan university of Arts. Her work were selected by 3×3 International Illustration Show in 2017. In the same year, she designed tourism poster for Takayama-mura, Japan, and has exhibited by local government as a collection. Usually, she does not limits herself on any style. She use various elements either brushes with texture or colorful geometric shapes to present her works, it was depended on the subject matter. ‘Do not ever confine yourself, just follow your imagination.’ Her inspiration comes from her daily life as well as music, books and even a quote from a movie.


【 2018 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】


• 預售票券/即日起販售至2018.09.04止

大眾展期 | 2018.09.07(五) – 09.09(日) 12:00 – 19:00



• 系列講座/

經紀是很專業的事 x 我接案故我創作 x 創作當代的本土味



「台北插畫藝術節 Taipei Illustration Fair」的個人頭像