第二屆 台北插畫藝術節 策展主題:「壞壞壞 Why Why Why」
「 有時候我們需要一些壞品味 」
第二屆台北插畫藝術節,我們試著來談談「壞品味」這個概念,關於插畫的三種不同的「壞」,從插畫形式上的「壞」、到內容上的「壞」、再到氣質上的「壞」。這跟我們說某人品味很差是完全不一樣的兩件事。 「壞品味」是一種美學否定上的質變,在內涵絕對包含一種形式上或概念上,非常規美學極致的展現。
未受正統創作訓練的插畫創作者,大膽地運用粗糙的、不哪麼成熟的繪畫技巧,以即興的、反諷的、幽默的直覺來創作自己的符號。關於蓄意模仿、關於粗俗、關於媚俗與荒謬、關於性、關於戀物癖、關於刻意的極端放大或縮小、關於次文化、關於變態、關於難言之隱、關於侵略性、關於爭議性、關於打破規則。 然而,這種無厘頭式、自由想像發展的創作,卻暴露出大城市的黑暗面,充滿「次文化」的活力。而他們無意間製造出以塗鴉、隨筆為主的技巧,一種簡陋的、富饒趣味的藝術形式,影響所及「壞品味」就變成一種新的藝術風格。 所謂最好的「壞品味」,就是用全然自我的方式來使「壞」,「壞」對了就是一種態度,「壞」錯了就是一種謬誤。
我們活在一個「壞品味」也是「好品味」的年代,也就是說,就是「壞」也有細節,那些「壞」的細節成就了屬於「壞」的好品味。 品味是要一直往自己的內在去探索最真實的原始動機與動能,所以「壞品味」也是必要的,這是很重要的思考點。
從今年的主題中文以「壞壞壞」對照英文『 WHY, WHY, WHY 』談論的另一層意思為「WHY」為什麼? 究竟這些創作為了什麼而「壞」? 為什麼形式「壞」? 為什麼內容「壞」? 為什麼氣質「壞」? 為了什麼而「 壞 WHY」的命題? 就留給大家做一個反思的提問。
The 2nd ” Taipei Illustration Fair ”
Curatorial subject: ” Why, Why, Why “
“Sometimes we need some bad taste.”
At the 2nd Taipei Illustration Fair, we tried to discuss the concept of “bad sense”. The three different “bad sense” in illustrations range form style to content and temperament. This is two things that are totally different from what we say that someone has a wrong choose of taste. “bad sense” is a kind of qualitative change in aesthetics. The connotation absolutely contains a form or concept, and the unconventional aesthetics are the ultimate expression.
About the”bad” sense, let us start with the “good” sense established by the universal public values. The role of this “bad” is to let people jump off, break the good taste that they are used to, and think of themselves. This is the basic spirit of bad taste, temporarily throwing away all your impressions of elegance, rules and sense. Then push again to self-breakthrough to get a new value perspective.
Illustrators who are not trained in school creation boldly use rough, not mature painting techniques to create their own symbols with improvisation, irony, and humor. About deliberate imitation, vulgarity, kitsch, absurdity, sex, fetishism, subculture, metamorphosis, unspeakable ness, aggressiveness, controversy, breaking rules, extreme enlargement and narrowing of deliberation.
However, this kind of non-conceived and freely imagined development has exposed the dark side of the big city and is full of the vitality of “subculture”. They inadvertently create graffiti- and essay-based techniques, a simple, rich and interesting form of art that affects the “bad sense” into a new artistic style.
We live between an era of “bad sense” and “good sense”. That is means those “bad sense” show some details make more specail of “Illustration”. To explore the most authentic original motives and kinetic energy all the time, so “bad sense” is also necessary, which is an important point of thinking.
From the theme of this year, the other meaning of “WHY” is What are these “bad sense” for these creations? Why is showing the form with “bad sense” ? Why is showing the content with “bad sense”? Why is showing temperament with “bad sense”? For why is the “bad sense ” as proposition? Leave a question for reflection.
▲ 報名資格
▲ 報名方式
A 主題展區:壞壞壞
B 其他不分區
線上申請 | 即日起至 2019.10.20(日)24:00 截止。
下載 報名表格PPT,報名表格PDF,將報名資料以PDF和PPT兩種格式E-mail至 2018tif@gmail.com。
▲ 展位尺寸及費用

A 類型 | 展出場地 120cm(L) X 120cm(W),含一組110V電源,四天展出費用 NT.7,000。
B 類型 | 展出場地+L展牆 120cm(L) X 120cm(W) X 220cm(H),含一組110V電源,展燈兩盞,四天展出費用 NT.14,000。
C 類型 | 展出場地+ㄇ展牆 120cm(L) X 120cm(W) X 220cm(H),含一組110V電源,展燈兩盞,四天展出費用 NT.18,000。
▲ 公佈入選名單
入選名單分3次公佈 | 2019.10.11(五), 2019.10.18(五), 2019.10.25(五)
將公佈於台北插畫藝術節官方網站,粉絲專頁 www.facebook.com/TIFTAIPEI
主辦單位會個別寄出「入選通知」,請入選者務必以 E-mail 回覆確認、並於指定期限內繳交展位費用,以保留參展名額。
▲ 相關展出日期時間
展覽日期 | 2019.12.20(五)- 2019.12.22(日)
開幕活動 | 2019.12.19(四) VIP嘉賓、媒體參觀
佈展日期 | 2019.12.18(三)12:00 – 19:00
撤展日期 | 2019.12.22(日)19:00 – 21:00
▲ Registration qualification
Illustration creator , Nationality, creative categories, styles are not limited.
▲ Registration method
A- Curatorial subject: ” Why, Why, Why “
B- Do not participate in the subject area
Online Apply, Deadline from today until 2019.10.20 24:00
Download the registration form PPT PDF and email the application PPT&PDF to 2018tif@gmail.com.
(After receiving the application, we will reply to confirm that the information is correct. Please pay attention to the receipt.)
▲ Booth Size and Fees

Type A :
Exhibition site 120cm(L) X 120cm(W), including a set of 110V power supply, NT.7,000 for four days.
Type B :
Exhibition site + L exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition costs NT.14,000.
Type C :
Exhibition site + ㄇ exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition fee NT.18,000.
Each applicant for the show has two work permits, including a 2019 Taipei Illustration Fair exhibitor catalog.
(The above type B and C type booths apply for more than two units, and after the application, individual confirmation of exhibition wall requirements)
▲ Announced the list of candidates
The list of candidates is announced in three releases
| 2019.10.11(Fri.), 2019.10.18(Fri.), 2019.10.25 (Fri.) After the 100 exhibitors have applied for the full amount, we will no longer accept the application.
Will be posted on the official website of Taipei Illustration Fair, FACEBOOK Fan Page
The organizer will send a “selection notice” to the individual. Please be sure to confirm the confirmation by E-mail and pay the booth fee within the specified time limit in order to retain the quota.
▲ Related exhibition date and time
Exhibition Date | 2019.12.20 (Fri.) – 2019.12.22 (Sun.)
Opening | 2019.12.19 (Thur.)
Exhibition Install Date | 2019.12.18 (Wed.) 12:00 – 19:00
Withdrawal Date | 2019.12.22 (Sun.) 19:00 – 21:00